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Basic Knowledge

Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI): Chief Warren


Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI): Major Davis


Air Force Founded: September 18th, 1947


Air Force Chief of Staff: Generak Mark Welsh


American Independence Day: July 4th, 1776


Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force: CMSgt James Cody


Colors of the flag: Red-Valor, White- Purity, Blue-Justice


Commander in Chief: The Honorable Barack Obama


Secretary of Defense: The Honorable Chuck Hagel


Secretary of the Air Force: The Honorable Deborah James


Joint Chief of Staff: General Martin Dempsy (Army)


Secretary of State: The Honorable John Kerry


Vice President of the United States: The Honorable Joseph Biden


American Flag Stars/Stripes: Stars: 50; one for each state

                                                     Stripes: 7 red, 6 white: one for each original colony (13)


​Enlisted Ranks


Airman Basic


Airman First Class

Senior Airman

Staff Sergeant

Technical Sergeant

Master Sergeant

Senior Master Sergeat

Chief Master Sergeant 


Officer Ranks


2nd Lieutenant

1st Lieutenant



Lieutenant Colonel



General Ranks


Brigadier General

Major General

Lieutenant General


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